

Providing a safe environment for students, guests and employees to learn, participate in personal enrichment activities and work on the campuses is the cornerstone of operations 在vns7908威尼斯城官网. Efforts are made continuously to ensure people and property 被保护免受伤害,例如:

  • 校园警察24小时巡逻并提供协助
  • Mutual aid agreements with local law enforcement agencies
  • 维护人员24小时待命
  • 使用全面的通信网络
  • Implementation of comprehensive and adaptive emergency plans and more

If an emergency does occur, the College’s goal is to handle it in the most effective manner possible to reduce the likelihood or level of harm to people and property.

Preparing for an emergency is an individual’s responsibility, as well. 当学生时, guests and employees are familiar with emergency plans and procedures and have personal emergency contingency plans, safety and the ability to respond appropriately to an 紧急情况大大加强. 学院有许多与紧急情况有关的资源 准备. In addition to familiarizing yourself with the materials that are listed below, more information can be acquired from 行政协调会校园警察.


To report an emergency or potential emergency situation, contact the 行政协调会校园警察 电话:(281)756-3700或亲临H栋132室.


公用事业的失败 烟和/或火 化学品或辐射泄漏
严重的天气 暴力和犯罪行为 民事骚乱
恐怖袭击 炸弹威胁 校园内或校园附近的飞机事故
危及生命/健康的医疗/心理问题 交通事故  


语无伦次地说 is ACC's emergency notification system designed to quickly warn students of possible 威胁,恶劣天气和大学关闭.  学生自动注册 每学期出勤.  学生必须提供紧急联系信息 and should update this information through 豆荚 or at the 招生 and Registrar’s 办公室.

自动体外除颤器 (AED)

An AED is a medical device that analyzes the heart’s rhythm. 如果有必要,它会交付 an electrical shock, known as defibrillation, which helps the heart re-establish an 有效节奏(心跳). 如遇紧急情况,请致电281-756-3700或 拨打911.


The website provides important information, assistance and resources for the citizens 为紧急情况做好准备.

ABC 13频道学校停课

Also check TV broadcasts for school closings in the event of emergencies.


艾尔文社区学院 应急管理计划 identifies natural and man-made emergencies that may impact the campus community and details the response procedures that campus officials should follow in case of an emergency. 基本的应急程序 outlined in this guide are to protect life and property through effective use of College resources, and to provide for the physical and emotional well-being of the members of our campus community during and immediately following an emergency.

This document describes an integrated plan for responding to a College emergency. Whenever an emergency affecting the College reaches proportions that cannot be handled by routine measures, the president, or his/her designee, may declare a state of emergency 实施应急管理计划. 大家认识到,具体行动 implemented will be dependent on the nature and severity of the situation. 因为一个 emergency may be sudden and without warning, these procedures are designed to be flexible in order to accommodate contingencies of various types and magnitudes.


When an emergency occurs, 行政协调会校园警察 will contact members of the Campus Emergency Response Team, which consists of a policy group and a response group. 策略组 is led by the president and includes members of the Planning Team. 紧急应变 团队包括以下人员:

  • 应急主任:学院院长或指定人员
  • 紧急协调员:校园警察局长
  • 物理损坏:物理工厂主管
  • 财务影响:金融服务副总裁
  • 学术影响:教学副校长
  • 学生影响学生主任
  • 对员工的影响:人力资源总监
  • 法律考虑:总裁或指定人员
  • 公共信息:总统助理
  • 技术资源:信息技术总监
  • 学生和学术影响:学术项目主任
  • 学生和学术影响:技术项目院长
  • Student and Academic Impact: Executive Director of vns7908威尼斯城官网

The 紧急应变小组 is responsible for implementing the overall Emergency 管理计划 . All team members will alert and coordinate additional staff support as needed for meeting the emergency, while the president with the advice of the Planning Team, will make emergency policy decisions and request outside assistance when necessary. Other campus individuals may find it necessary to respond, depending on how the emergency affects their individual units and on what type of additional support service their 单位可提供.


To help ensure information security, continuity of services and continuous communication in the event of an emergency, the Information Technology 学系 ACC has comprehensive, versatile and adaptable contingency plans and systems to respond to various scenarios 如应急管理计划所述. 更多信息请联系ACC IT 学系 ITServices@8011886.com or (281) 756-3536.


  • KACC广播和电视-学院的广播电台,KACC 89.7调频和电视台, KACC TV Channel 16 on Comcast, can broadcast emergency and school operations notifications 和指令.
  • ACC Web Site – Information and directions can be published to the College’s Web site (g3p.8011886.com).
  • Campus Marquees – Information and directions can be posted on the College’s outdoor electronic marquees located on Mustang Road and Bypass 35 at the entrance of the Nolan 瑞安中心.
  • Campus-wide Telephone Address System – The 行政协调会校园警察 can broadcast the emergency 以及校园电话系统的说明.
  • ACC E-News – Information and directions can be sent to subscribers of ACC E-News, 学院每月的电子通讯. 
  • Media – Local print, radio and television media may be contacted of the emergency 以及适用的说明.
  • 推特 and 脸谱网 – Brief updates to 推特 and 脸谱网 may be implemented, if appropriate, sending readers to other locations for more detailed information and 指令.
  • In-house Television System – Information and directions will be able to be broadcaster on the College’s campus-wide television system it is installed in buildings throughout 主校区.